Showing posts with label greatswords. Show all posts
Showing posts with label greatswords. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Empire Described – Special Choices

A simple description of the Empire special troops and how I would play them

As how I have described the core choices in a previous article, the Empire army would not be able to win battles if you would only field the core choices (probably the same with all other armies). Of course the Empire would be best fielded with their Elite choices that would greatly increase the army strength. Here are the Special choices for the Empire army.
  • Great Cannon – One of the most feared choice that the Empire fields. The Great Cannon. Why? Strength 10, multi-wound damage, no armour saves, maximum range of 60 inches and goes through ranks as a single line template. That's why. Single model characters fears it, monsters fears it, knights dare not show their flanks to it, other warmachines fears it and even buildings are not safe from it. I would sure to bring either one or two to the battle field in every game as just their mere presence would cause some psychological effect on your opponent. Just don't roll misfires frequently and you'll come to love these big guns.
  • Mortar – Empire mortars are underestimated greatly. These explosive round will land a 5 inch round template on the enemy troops. Though it's only Strength 3 but it makes up for the number of models that could be hit with it. Very dangerous if it was put against an army with mostly Toughness 3 and below troops.
  • Pistoliers – These are fast moving, fast shooting and fast dying guys. With vanguard, you could bring them forward and with their 16 inches fast cavalry rule, if you get first turn, you will be able to get to the enemy deployment zone in the first movement. Disrupt enemy movement or even their formation and probably even do some damage. Their drawback is that they are weak defensively and easily taken off by shooting or magic. These guys don't see much action in my army.
  • Greatswords – The Elite Empire infantry who wields swords as tall as themselves if not taller. If these guys were cheaper in points, I would field them in a few hordes. They are all fitted with full plate armour which makes them pretty good at surviving because they will need any armour they could get. Being Toughness 3, they have to survive before landing a blow on their opponents due to the greatweapon that they wield. As in the Warrior Priest and you have a pretty good hard hitting unit. But make sure they survive the initial hit by their opponents first. Stubborn is a nice bonus on top of this unit.
  • Knights of the Inner Circle – Solidify your rubber lances with these knights. At base Strength 4, the Inner Circle Knights will pack a bigger punch to your targets. It's up to you to equip them with great weapons or with lances. Both have their pros and cons but you will be hitting your target with a Strength 6 hit. I have used these knights with success. Bring a mounted Warrior Priest with them for the Hatred rule and prayers could sometimes make the knights very solid blocks.
  • Outriders – Men on horses with machine guns! Well not exactly. Outriders could shoot 3 shots per shooting phase on horses. They have Ballistic Skill of 4 which is great and making them shoot targets at 5+ at long range. When the enemy troop gets too close, move them away with their Movement of 8 ( 16 inches if you march). They can't fire if they had moved so remember to place them correctly. They are similar to Pistoliers where they can get shot down easily but at least these guys would be deployed around your own deployment zone and receive the Inspiring Presence of your general. One of the best thing about Outriders is that you could equip the Champion with the Hochland Long Rifle. It is a gun that could shoot 36 inches and you could “Snipe” opponent characters with it. It's a single Strength 4 shot that pierces armour. In two quick lucky rounds, you could probably take out your opponent's wizard!
In 8th edition, opponents could move much faster and easily gets the charge on the second turn of the game. With fliers and fast cavalry units that could vanguard and high movement our warmachines are easily caught and destroyed. It would be best for to have a strategy devised for both the mortar and the great cannon early during deployment itself so that they could be able to gain back their points before they are rendered useless or destroyed! I would usually deploy the warmachines last but also remember to have some protection for them. Usually I would use the handgunners or crossbowmen that would shoot and perhaps redirect incoming threat away. 

Outriders and pistoliers are our only fast cavalry available. With vanguard, you could almost certainly get to shoot on your first turn. But beware, if you push them in the open with vanguard, they could be the first shooting target that you opponent chooses. Remember, these guys are weak to shooting and would easily panic when a few of them have fallen. Have some psychological effect on your opponent when you deploy the Outriders by declaring that the champion have the Hochland Long Rifle. Their weak wizards or sorcerers would shiver at the sound of that gun. Pistoliers are still useful in baiting your opponent and shooting them when you out manoeuvre your opponent units. They are pretty annoying with their 16 inches march move and could reform in any way at the end of movement. 

Inner Circle Knights have many times been my favourite “Hammer” unit. Have a Warrior Priest to join them and the Arch-Lector on the war-altar following behind. Equip the Steel Standard on the knights as well. Quite often your opponents would move their units into a range that is just slightly away from your average charging range. With the Steel Standard, you may catch your opponent offguard with the additional D3 movement on the charge. Try to cast some magic to draw away dispel dice from your opponent but reserve the final two dice for yourself. Then cast “Birona's Timewarp” from your war-altar to the Inner Circle Knights that have charged. Hopefully your opponent will not be able to dispel it and your knights have two attacks, Hatred, Always Strike First at strength 6 (lance). 

To conclude, remember that these special troops have great potential and would perform greatly if you roll well and deployed correctly during deployment. Spend a few extra seconds to think during deployment and you would not regret it. Protect them well and max out their potential and win games with them.