Empire gets to use all the eight lores of magic. One of my favourite lore to use is the lore of Shadow. The Empire army does not have very strong fighters and needs support in order to succeed in battle. Lore of Shadow could accomplish this role easily with the spells that comes with it. Let's examine each of this spells and see how they could help the Empire.
Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma
Signature spell. Very low casting value. Huge benefits that comes with this spell. 48 inches range and it's a hex spell. Last until caster's next Magic phase. It reduces either Movement, Ballistic Skill, Initiative or Weapon Skill by D3. So how does that help the Empire?
- Movement. Quite often the Empire find opponent deathstars or units coming at them with their top speed. Slow them down by reducing their base movement by D3. This means that potentially you reduce their base movement by 3 inches and 6 inches due to march. This also means that you would have an additional turn of shooting at the opponent's deathstar.
- Weapon Skill. Empire core troops often face opponents hitting them at 3s thus having a lot of casualties in close combat. Reduce their weapon skill by D3 and sure enough, they'll be hitting at 4s thus dropping their chances to hit down to 50%.
- Ballistic Skill. Miasma have the range of 48 inches. That means that you could probably cast it at the opponent's shooting troops. Annoyed by your opponent's bolt throwers? Reduce their Ballistic Skill and drop their ability to hit at your crucial models. Just remember not it does not work on Tomb King's shooting.
- Initiative. This would allow the Empire core troops a chance to hit first. Also would be able to reduce the opponent's like High Elves to re-roll To-Hit with their Always Strike First and high initiative. Drop their initiative by 3 and they can't reroll. This spell also in combo with Pit of Shades. Drop their initiative first, then cast Pit of Shades or Penumbral Pendulum and see your opponent's face cringe.
Miasma also comes with a boosted version which is cast at 10+. This boosted version drops all four stats by D3. Very useful when it was cast on an opponent in close combat when you reduce their ability to hit you and also reduce their chance to re-roll and to reduce your numbers first.
Steed of Shadows
The ninja spell. Very low casting cost and very unlikely to have your opponent to dispel this. A lot of times opponents would just ignore them because it does them no harm. True, that is when your wizard wishes to get away from the imminent charge but on the offence, your wizard may “fly” to your opponent's flank and maybe be able to cast The Penumbral Pendulum which then would do massive damage (if they're low initiative.
The Enfeebling Foe
One of the best support spells in the lore. It's not too high to cast but if you can get it off against your opponent, it will definitely increase the survivability of your unit in close combat. It's a Remains In Play spell with some decent range, your wizard would have to be too near where the action is. If your wizard is too far away, then boost the spell and have a range of 36 inches away. Of course, it would be harder to cast the spell. Once successfully cast, the target loses Strength by D3. Imagine Ogres at the strength of a normal human and other normal troops needing 5 or 6 to wound your troops. Definitely this spell could turn around a combat into your favour.
The Whitering
Another one of the best support spells in the lore. It's harder to cast and have a boosted version which doubles the range to 36 inches. The spell would reduce the Toughness of the target unit to drop by D3. Empire troops have low strength, thus wounding opponents would usually be at 50% chance or worse. With The Withering, the chances for you to wound increase dramatically (especially when you get a 3 on D3) which then even monsters would fear from your state troop attacks. This would also work on shooting phase where the target would lose much higher numbers with their Toughness reduced.
The Penumbral Pendulum
This is one of the spell which would work well against low initiative targets or target's that have been reduced their initiative with Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma. It would be even more painful (to your opponent) if you manage to get your wizard to the flank of the unit. How to get to their flank? Steed of Shadows. On a straight line, 6D6 inches range from your wizard, a Strength 10 hit with multiple wounds (D3) would do massive damage to your opponent's unit. Effective against Dwarfs, Lizardmen (if you could get it off) and Ogres.
Pit Of Shades
One of the effective spells against opponents with low initiative or target's hit with Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma (reduced Initiative) would be this spell, Pit of Shades. It uses the small large template which scatters by a D6 and anything touched by the template would be sucked into it if they failed their Initiative test. Those models that have failed are immediately removed from the game. No armour saves. No ward saves. No regeneration saves. No saves whatsoever. For a more devastating effect, opt for the boosted version which uses the large template but it will then scatter by 2D6 inches. This spell could spell doom for an Ogre deathstar if it hits right in the middle of the unit.
Okkam's Mindrazor
Want your core state troops to kickass? Want a horde of swordmen with the warrior priest attached kill off opponents in a single blow? Okkam's Mindrazor will help you do that. The spell lasts until the caster's next magic phase. Means that if you managed to charge your unit and successfully cast the spell on that unit, it will definitely whack a lot of damage. This spell can be cast from 18 inches away or double the range in it's boosted version. It takes a lot of dice to cast the spell but on the right moment, I'll throw all six dices if I have to. Try cast it on a charging unit of flagellants.
Hopefully with the spells explained, you can see how this lore could turn Empire troops to be formidable combatants. Whether you weaken your opponents or boost your own, slow them down while you soften them up or outright cast a devastating spell that would cripple your opponent's most important unit. Remember how you can combo the spells or how to tactically use the spells to your advantage. When it all works, your opponent will have a much difficult time handling your army.