Thursday, March 29, 2012

Flamers of Tzeentch – Quick Painting Guide

Flamers of Tzeentch
Completed Flamer

Here's a quick and easy way to paint your flamers. It will be acceptable to field in battle and a nice addition to your Daemons army. In this example, I had already completed the base and left with the flamer model itself.

What do you need:
Flamer Model
Brush for base painting
Brush for details
Brush for dry brushing
Spray Paint (black, optional)
Chaos Black
Skull White
Regal Blue
Red Gore
Blazing Orange
Golden Yellow
Beastial Brown
Ogryn Flesh / Flesh Wash (optional)

First off, prime your flamer black. You could spray coat it as I have done here or your could undercoat it with Chaos Black.
Flamers of Tzeentch
Lower part painted with Regal Blue

Next, use Regal Blue to paint the lower part of the flamer. Leave the parts with the fangs untouched. Just paint the lower half skin area.

Flamers of Tzeentch
Red Gore for the upper part

Paint Red Gore to the upper part of the flamer. Leave out the flames and the fangs areas.

Dry Brush mix of Regal Blue and Skull White

Next mix Regal Blue and Skull White to a ratio of 70:30. Dry brush the mixture over the initial lower part painted with Regal Blue. Make sure you dry brush the border between Regal Blue and Red Gore. This will be the part where it will have the blending look from red to blue. Then have another mixture of 30:70 Regal Blue and Skull White. Dry brush lightly on the same location as this would be the highlight of the skin areas. You can also do the same on the tentacles for the lower parts.

Flamers of Tzeentch
Dry Brush Blood Red then Blazing Orange

Dry brush Blood Red all over the areas of the Red Gore. This will bring up all the muscle tones of the flamer. After that is completed, get Blazing Orange and dry brush it lightly over the highest parts of the muscles and skin. The Blazing Orange would be the highlight areas of your flamer.

Flamers of Tzeentch
Details Painted

Now for the details of your flamer. Have a mixture of Red Gore and Skull White to a ratio of 30:70 and paint the tongues of your flamer. Paint Beastial Brown on the gums of the fangs and Bleached Bone for the fangs. You can then wash the gum area with watered down Ogryn Flesh or Flesh Wash.

Flamers of Tzeentch
Flames Painted

Finally the flames on the flamers. Paint the whole flames area with Golden Yellow. Next, dry brush the flames with Blazing Orange. Don't cover the Golden Yellow part entirely. Allow the deep areas to be untouched. Next dry brush lightly with Beastial Brown on the flames. Lastly, dry brush Chaos Black very lightly the areas of the Beastial Brown.